My belly is as round as the green hill
My belly is as round as the green hill That they say the devil made with his hands Scooping out a ditch, down which rolled the water Now the wide and silver Severn. My baby will not come. I have tried sex. I have tried pineapple. Nothing scratches at the womb enough To make it […]
You can walk now
YOU CAN WALK NOW A year ago not yet born Silent, kicking, stretching out my stomach Stretching out time until I could not move or think except when I hauled myself up Cam Peak straight up, me, and you inside, unknown, closer to me and more known than you’ll ever be, a great big foot […]
Poem for my daughter
A poem written for four month old Nera. You sprang so wise from the womb it seems your dark eyes look so solemnly upon the world. Your eyes are blue like the sea’s depths in mid-ocean, depths of my swimming dreams you swam inside me, dreaming yourself, as a fish, as a kicking child, as […]