
  • Resignation speech as council leader

    Resignation speech as council leader

    This afternoon I resigned as leader of Stroud District Council and tonight we elected a new leader and deputy. My resignation speech. I was elected leader of Stroud District Council in January 2018. During this time I have been proud to put the interests of the people of this district first, as well as the […]

  • Standing for selection to be the next parliamentary candidate for Stroud – my experience

    Standing for selection to be the next parliamentary candidate for Stroud – my experience

    In view of the speculation as to why I was not put on the longlist for the Labour parliamentary selection for Stroud constituency, here is an account. The wider context The introduction to the Party rules governing the selection of parliamentary candidates states the following: An account of the longlisting process. The selection process for […]

  • My letter to Lexiteers: no one will notice

    My letter to Lexiteers: no one will notice

    My letter published in the Morning Star today. Dear Editor Regarding the EU referendum, I know there are quite a few on the Left who will vote Leave. They reject the EU’s neoliberal, elitist, austerity agenda. I get that, and have some sympathy with those arguments.But if we vote to leave I don’t think anyone […]